my dog is suddenly afraid of me

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my dog is suddenly afraid of me

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Posts and comments that don't follow these guidelines will be removed. I'm at my wits end. They could be hearing something that is otherwise … When is my puppy playing too rough/when do I know the play is out of it's comfort zone? My 11 month old rescue pup that I've had for 5 months is all of a sudden terrified of me and I don't know how to win her trust back. If I call to feed her her daily meals, she comes, and if I take her outside she goes with me happily. I’m trying to teach me Basset Hound puppy to bike but he keeps falling off the bike. Not realizing that I was the thing she was afraid of, I tried to comfort her but she was pretty much shut down. Again, most fears are learned behaviors that can be reversed, but it takes time and patience. second dont try and be clingy. My dog if I leave him with family he will sit on the kitchen table and wait or go lie down somewhere and sleep. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 17531 on r2-app-0138f4208838a46fa at 2021-01-11 02:16:22.781704+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: IN. However, if a dog suddenly becomes scared of stairs, then it's time for a veterinary visit. Take your dog to the vet. ? The same can be true of puppy-mill dogs like those from pet stores. I didn't think much of it until she didn't return, so when I looked over she was trembling with her tail between her legs. She only acts this way at home, especially at night. 1) Take it easy. Phobias are often linked with things like rain and thunderstorms, fireworks, or gunshots. My 3 1/2 year old German shepherd is so scared of me I don't know what to do. Take her to a vet for an evaluation if you can. She won't even take food from my hand right now and just looks at me wearily and walks away. Definitely afraid of them when they get up and walk towards him. Equipment Help Today we went on an hour long walk and she wasn't afraid of me at all - she was focused on me as I had treats. Take her for more walks. We'll run around together and she'll let me pet her. In any case, that doesn't project well on the dog. For content relating to the physical care of dogs, try our sister subreddit, /r/dogCare. [–]mikeber55 8 points9 points10 points 3 years ago (9 children). Resource Update. This post will show you a number of possible causes and what you can do to get your dog to stop doing it. Spend time with your pup on the floor. If they do it to you, they may be doing it defensively. She's also on Zylkene which was prescribed before this incident just to help her with her anxiety about the car and the studio. 2) Next, take it to the vet to rule out health problems. Dog’s sense of smell is incredibly strong, and they will immediately smell if another animal has been in their crate. If I call him, you would think he is deaf. Academic Announcement [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). Heartbroken, please help. My 11 month old rescue pup that I've had for 5 months is all of a sudden terrified of me and I … ... Is your dog suddenly fearful of noises that were never a problem before? There are multiple scenarios that could lead to your dog becoming fearful of you. Common symptoms of a phobia include sudden anxious behavior or other signs of anxiety, like whining, shaking, etc. I'm super confused because if I go away and come back after any period of time, she greets me the way she normally does, bum wiggle and super excited. Used properly, a daily medication like Prozac can help your anxious or reactive dog in three ways. take her to the local dog park. I'm heartbroken that I can't be around her anymore. [rant] It doesn’t matter how friendly you think your dog is, if you can’t recall it then it belongs on a leash. Also, try to get rid of the mindset of you thinking “my dog is afraid of me”. My one dog is consistently getting more aggressive towards my other dog. A few days ago, I came into the garden, convinced to be friendly with her and I may have moved a bit too suddenly or something as she bolted and all of a sudden, she is really scared of me. Hoping someone with experience dealing with this sort of thing might be able to shed some light on how to overcome it. Dogs that had pain tended to become more broadly fearful — along with being afraid … Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. A lesson in patience and small steps: Our Malinois X finally let us dremel her nails! All | Remove Filter Zylkene takes 3 weeks. She has imprinted onto your husband. Please flair your posts using its flair link (not [help], and so on)! If you've had your dog for a while, it can be alarming to suddenly wonder, "Maybe my dog doesn't like me anymore," especially if you've always had a close bond. Sit or lay down on the floor while talking to your dog. Meanwhile, don't force contact - let her come to you. The first step to helping a dog that’s scared of everything is understanding their body language. This started about 2 months ago but it is getting worse. Also, when I take her to the park, it's like she's normal again. I hope it works for you guys. Take a look at some of the other warning signs that your dog may be sick: If your training is not fun and effective, or if you need additional help, then please find a certified trainer for assistance. It's worth noting she has exhibited fearfulness of the car since the day we got her - and 5 months of trying everything to help her overcome that hasn't fixed a thing. She prefers to be alone now and even whines if I pass her in the hallway. Brags Community But it can also be like a perfume you are wearing. An example of this would be that he felt pain at the time that you caressed him and thought that you are the cause of that discomfort. I left it alone and decided to try ignoring her, not make eye contact, and casually toss a treat in her direction. I have him on max daily dosage of 20 mg, which costs about $70/ month. One way to help the dog's fear and the stress hormones to subside is by creating and following a predictable and reliable schedule for the dog. That's interesting since Gaba is a pain medication that is used to treat seizures or nerve-related pain. Rendered by PID 17531 on r2-app-0138f4208838a46fa at 2021-01-11 02:16:22.781704+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: IN. While we were playing with his ball inside the house he peed on the carpet literally right in front of me. Maybe time for a vet check to see what's going on. Why is my dog avoiding me all of a sudden? Gabapentin takes around 2 hours to work - that's what she's on. When you go under the chin or on the chest do you go over the dog or at her level? This dog used to jump up at me and try to lick my face off (which, I may add, I am not too keen on ). They are not immediate-acting. You’ll want to be sure that you’re using safe ways to gain your dog’s trust. [–]bluemorpho1[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child). That’s strange. Dogs imprint. When a … I thwapped on the couch (to make a 'thump' sound) to startle the cat. A dog who suffers from a fear of thunderstorms may begin to display anxious behavior long before the thunder begins. Why would my dog be screaming/squealing in pain. 3) At that age dogs act like teenagers. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Like seeing him for the first time. It's common for dogs and puppies, that haven't encountered stairs before, to hesitate walking up and downstairs. Dog suddenly totally afraid of me and shuts down if I go near her. He’s afraid of men. help. BUT - it's as if she forgets she is afraid of me and then remembers all of a sudden. It is also possible, although less usual, that your dog has taken fear because of a confusion. Men can be more intimidating in a dog's eyes. I rarely pet her anymore because I know she will whine. It’s not always a serious illness that makes your dog afraid, but you’d want to get to the root of the problem. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). For example, if you just recently bought your dog home from a rescue then your dog likely hasn’t had a stable family life. Is there anyone that has access to that dog without you being around? Please help! But as soon as he straightens up my dog skitters backwards and the whole thing starts again. If your adopted dog is afraid of you from day one, this is due to past negative experiences. She acts this way towards my girlfriend too. Are Pitbulls dangerous dogs or is this a myth? We’ve been doing this for weeks. She goes through phases where she's fine with me and then suddenly she isnt. You sound stressed. It is your imagination at work, but dogs don't think that way. Bear teeth: similar to growling or barking, bearing teeth is a sign the dog is not happy. I am so worried that I'm going to become another of these things that she develops a fierce phobia to. It is usually marked by hiding, whining, barking, pawing or even urination. If you are giving the dog the flower essences, this approach will allow the dog a space to orient himself in a new way as he is releasing a lot of his fears from the past. Another option is to consult a dog behaviorist, who can see and evaluate the dog in person. Normal stress responses that last only a short time are nothing for dog owners to be concerned about. Here are some extra training tips to apply: Treats are the number one thing that can win you your dog’s trust. She's on Gaba? the studio stuff is weird. She'll be following me around and I talk to her, and she shuts down. Why is my dog suddenly afraid of me? give her treats when she comes to u when called. This started about 2 months ago but it is getting worse. But learning to recognize subtler fear reactions will allow you to intervene before your dog’s fear escalates. When your dog exhibits signs of maladaptive stress responses this is when you should be concerned. Dogs will have normal stress responses that are healthy. and join one of thousands of communities. Then about 2 months in after coming with me to my studio every weekday she decided she was terrified of the place and wouldn't come with me (would stop dead in her tracks, and if we actually lured her there she'd spend the time there shut down and shaking). Or I reach down and pet under her chin, her chest, her rump - she shuts down, shakes, avoids eye contact, licks her lips. Fear of thunder is a common phobia in dogs. He is a perfect pup, loves all in our family...until recently. 5) Chances are its a phase that will pass with time. You’d be afraid in a similar situation too. Can My Dog Eat____? [–]mikeber55 13 points14 points15 points 3 years ago (0 children). Why is my dog suddenly afraid to go down stairs? Injuries and illnesses often have no apparent symptoms, like a limp or a cut. Gotcha. Now she won't even hang out in my room anymore unless I … The suddenly become fearful of people and places they were OK in the past. [–]bluemorpho1[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (3 children). Now if I turn on the tv she will leave the room crouch down walking against the wall. But at times she will let my girlfriend pet her. Of course I got upset and told him to get into his bed, which he did. Why is My Dog Afraid of Me? See our flair guide for help. With patience, you can gain your dog’s confidence and trust. Observe your dog for other signs of illness such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or lack of appetite. least intrusive, minimally aversive approach. It was prescribed because it specifically blocks the Gaba, which is fear receptors, and because it's fast acting. This is a new behavior, she never has slept under there before, always preferring the living room where her mat, the rug, and the couch are. Is it weird to rename a puppy you adopted? Even a dog that has lived with a man can be fearful in the presence of unfamiliar men. Dogs can hear on different frequencies than humans can. These can include startling briefly when a loud noise occurs or being weary when approached by a stranger. If your dog is afraid to go outside at night, or if your dog is suddenly scared of the backyard, there’s a good chance they may have heard something out there that was frightening for them. ANY change in normal behaviour needs a vets visit to rule out a health/injury issue. Please read our rules and posting guidelines before posting or commenting. Asked the vet - they said it's not pain or anything, and they prescribed an anti anxiety med that's meant to block fear response - she's been on it since yesterday morning and it hasn't helped. Heartbroken, please help! The advice here is not a replacement for professional help. In particular, please note that recommending the use of aversives like pain, startle, fear, or intimidation to train dogs is not permitted here. My female dog is suddenly afraid of me? Is there a reason why she suddenly started doing this? My dog seems to be afraid of the tv she's never had a problem before, she would sit next to me on the couch or in a chair across from the tv. For the majority of dogs, this is not the most likely culprit, though. We adopted a 1 1/2 year old mini doxie last March. Friendly reminder to keep an eye out for smaller dogs in a supposed larger dog area. Some fear displays are hard to miss—like a trembling, hunched-over dog that has their ears back and tail tucked. A dog may react in fear to an upset stomach or other internal ailments. If your old dog was abused and had a smell linked to that abuse that could also cause issues. This may be a reason to be concerned. Don't give up on seperation anxiety training! 4) At that age, some dogs go through fear periods. Dogs do have long memories and if youi did cause her pain at one point, she won't be forgetting, especially if she still has that pain. hound. If your dog is suddenly displaying these symptoms without a clear cause, a call to your vet is the next step. Criticism Welcome Discussion Don't expect results from the meds for at least two weeks, and full results likely won't be apparent for 4-6 weeks. [–]bluemorpho1[S] 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (8 children). When people say “my dog is scared of me,” they are likely seeing some of the behaviors or signs listed above and automatically assume that the dog is afraid of them. They may be able to give you a better advice. Whenever I try to pet my dog, she whines and hides under a table? She didn't want them at all. give the dog space take her out feed her and just chill. What do you think of the answers? We need to be very careful because a scared dog can attack. I have never hit him, he has always been well behaved. For some unknown reason this dog just doesn't like me. Dog suddenly totally afraid of me and shuts down if I go near her. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. That is, that he had a bad experience and related it to you. It frequently happens that a dog who has been completely non-aggressive when adopted at 12 to 16 weeks will, somewhere between nine months and two years of age, “suddenly become aggressive to his owners or to other people,” Dr. Borns-Weil says. Some of them take a while to start working, [–]bluemorpho1[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). It sure sounds like someone is doing something to the dog. I never go over her head, I don't hug, I don't touch her face, and I yawn, look away, keep my head down, and even have layed on my back showing my tummy. Loud noises are a common culprit, and they can trigger your dog every time. It worked, but it also startled the dog, who ran off the couch and into the kitchen. give her some brushing everyday. Many weird behaviors can to be expected. Also, I don't think the dog "hates" you. When our dog begins to show fear suddenly or for no apparent reason, it is advisable to perform a first veterinary check-up to rule out pain or organic disorders. Second. Get answers by asking now. Gabapentin and Zylkene. Some aren't, some are. However, that may not always be the case, as there are many reasons why a dog may be fearful. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Two nights ago she was laying on the couch with me, like she often does, and the cat was causing havoc tearing up the couch. Why do people on here give such terrible advice? Also, ask the vet what may be the reason for the dog's behavior. She does not like to be in the same area of the house as me now. Maladaptive stress responses are chronic and/or long-term anxiet… Halti collar to train my puppy not to pull? What Can I Do To Help My Dog 1. I am going to agree with the TWO level 7 experts. I'd suggest she may have pain somewhere, and the last time you stroked her, you hurt her (unintentionally). Gabapentine is meant to be about 1-2 hours to kick in. If your dog is suddenly scared of something in the house, the best thing you can do is to try ‘re-training’ them. I would go down to her level and YAWN before touching the dog. This can lead them to be slow to trust anyone. Dogs don't just become afraid, you've done something to your dog, be it physical or emotionally to make her afraid of you and or your every action.Dogs communication originates with … Also, this is one way your dog’s health can be checked. In many cases, being afraid of men can be traced to a lack of socialization with men when the dog was a puppy. Or she sleeps under the table where he normally sits. Except that up until 4 days ago, I was the preferred human and she didn't care about my husband's comings and goings. How is owning pets any different then slavery ? She is almost 9 years old, medium to large sized coonhound/lab. First, you should notice that it takes a bit “more” to cause an anxious or aggressive response than before – essentially, the dog has a longer fuse. This could be a variety of things, some of which can be more obvious than others. I have a friend who's 11month old German Shepherd pretends he doesn't know him. If they’re not used to having other animals in the house, this might freak them out and hence could be the reason why your dog hates his crate all of a sudden. Remind your husband to stay neutral so that the dog can find a new way to approach the relationship with your husband in a new way and allow the dog to do the approaching. I am not fluent in the use of these meds in animals (in comparison to human use), so I was a bit surprised. IMO, it is very possible, since you indicate this is a SENIOR age dog. Seligiline is available, and has worked well with my 16 y.o. In older dogs, also, we must keep in mind the cognitive dysfunction syndrome, which we already discussed extensively in an article. (self.Dogtraining). When a dog is unhappy or feels threatened, their vocalizations will be more aggressive. Heartbroken, please help! Every time I go near him or in a room he is in, he goes the other way looking real scared. [–]MK2555GSFX 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago (1 child), What's the anti-anxiety med? helpDog suddenly totally afraid of me and shuts down if I go near her. My dog is suddenly afraid of me because of a bad experience. Your mood influences your dog, for better or worse. They Hear Something We Can’t. The second I my car pulls up (and he knows) hes amped and super excited. It absolutely breaks my heart that she's afraid of me and doesn't want me near her when she used to snuggle up beside me and sleep on me while I worked. If your dog has suddenly started avoiding you, you’re probably wondering why and what you can do about it. No one is exactly sure what makes dogs afraid of thunder. Second, if there is a reaction, it should be less intense. In general, your body language and stress level affect your dog, so much so that you might be accidentally scaring your dog if you’ve had a bad day. What am I to do? [–][deleted] 4 points5 points6 points 3 years ago (4 children). Hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this situation, it's breaking my heart. The last 2 days if I'm in the living room she hangs out in the hallway, presumably waiting for my husband to get home. If your dog is not only fearful but is also aggressive, consult with a veterinarian. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. I’ve had my husband call him over and finally he’s coming and wagging his tail and allowing him to pet him and scratch him. Still have questions? Slow and calm movements are also a must. In humans it is considered a treatment-resistant option, meaning it is considered for use when other types of mood stabilizers (SSRI or SNRI, typically) fail, and even then it's considered somewhat controversial. Hoping someone might be able to shed some light on this situation, it's breaking my heart. I am not a vet, but sudden onset of fear or anxiety at an advanced age suggests cognitive dysfunction, perhaps mixed with past trauma in your dog’s case. When you see a sudden behavior CHANGE in your dog, it usually indicates a health issue (in this case with pain associated with it). Is there a reason why she suddenly started doing this? Whenever I try to pet my dog, she whines and hides under a table? Changes in behavior may indicate a health problem, so it's important to bring your dog to the veterinarian. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: This is a forum on dog training and behavior that focuses on a least intrusive, minimally aversive approach. 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