how to join double fold bias tape

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how to join double fold bias tape

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In this bias tape binding tutorial you will learn an easy way how to cut bias strips and to join both ends of strips together. Align the crease that runs along the narrow side of the bias tape with the projected seam line of the area you want to sew--usually about 1/2 inch in from the raw fabric edge. I love, love, love the look of an edge finished with a bias facing! c. Pin both folds or do ironing which make fabric crease, Here you go single fold is ready. Bias tape is a great way to finish the edges of a project, whether you are making something as large as a quilt or as small as a placemat. Her writing has appeared on various online sites and in Midwest newspapers. It will naturally wrap itself around the quilt in the way it should lay. If your single piece of bias tape isn’t long enough it’s easy to join a second strip to lengthen the bias tape. Shop Double fold Bias Tape 4yd at JOANN fabric and craft store online to stock up on the best supplies for your project. Open up the double-fold bias tape all the way and find the narrower side. Quarter-inch double-fold bias tape starts out an inch wide. $13.99. Place the machine needle down into the fabrics, on the crease of the binding as explained previously, not at the start of the bias binding but a little ways past the join. If you come to a corner, sew all the way to the edge of the fabric and cut the bias tape even with the fabric edge. Well, double fold tape can be used to bind raw edges. So the fold will be on the diagonal, the fold is the bias- there will be a lot of stretch to it. 1. Lay your section of double fold bias tape on a flat surface, like an ironing board or sewing table. Double Fold Bias Tape, Bias Tape Double Fold 1/2 inch for Quilt Binding 55 Yards 100% Polyester Pre-fold White Bulk Bias Tape for Sewing, Seaming, DIY Craft, Non-Stretch(13mm, 50 … With ½” bias tape, you will have more room for thicker fabrics. You have now made double fold bias tape! If you are making your own bias tape you could also press in the folds yourself ahead of time. Double-fold bias tape comes in a package with three folds already pressed firmly in place, however, so handling it can be a bit tricky. There are two commonly accepted methods of applying double fold bias tape to encase a seam or the raw edges of an item. Trim the raw edge of the fabric so it is even with the center fold of the bias tape. Determine how much bias tape you need for your project. 3. Third fold one more time, encasing all raw edges under your folds and pulling all bias tape to the inside. Bias Tape is a wonderful thing. There are two commonly accepted methods of applying double fold bias tape to encase a seam or the raw edges of an item. Sometimes I sew bias tape the proper way….and sometimes I take the lazy short cut. Two join two pieces of bias tape, cut each end at a 45 degree angle. Below is 1/2″ double fold bias tape: See, all I had to do was fold it back in half! Open the double fold bias tape completely. Instructions to Double Fold Bind a Quilt. Pin it in place, catching the bias tape on the underside of the fabric. Cut off the excess fabric. When it’s all folded up you can see two sides of the bias tape. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Fold the edges of the bias tape together and press to create the final fold. Double folded bias tape can measure 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch when finished. And it lacked some pictures. The reason to use one over the other is simply by preference. If your quilt or item you are binding has curved edges or corners, you need to cut your binding on the bias, at a 45 degree angle. 1. Offset the edge by one width of bias tape so that when it is cut, the bias tape is continuous. Cut the number of required strips of binding, according to your pattern or calculations. Take Card stock(hard paper like Invitation cards) and Wrap around it or Take empty spool and wrap biastape around it. Take single fold biastape fold it 50% in over case 0.25Inch and Stitch it on Hemline of Shorts. Unfold your bias tape and pin the right side of one of its raw edges to the right side edge of your project aligning the two. Yep, that’s all there is to it! Sew along the inner edge of the tape as close to the edge as possible using a straight stitch on your sewing machine to stitch both sides of the tape in one pass. Overlap the bias strips at a 90 degree angle so they make an L. Draw a line along the diagonal of the square that they overlap makes and sew along that line. The method shown in this video for bias tape with a double fold is similar to using bias tape with a single fold. XOXO, Your email address will not be published. Most commercial double fold bias tapes will already be made this way, and it might also be something you want to do if you make your own bias tape. Single Fold Bias Tape. Please ask permission before using other content or designs. Match the opposite side strips or Match strips diagonally pin them and then do stitch diagonally. When inserting the pins, also catch the bias tape on the underside of the fabric. Lay the starting end of the binding a half inch or so before the point you want the join to be. Step 1. How to cut strips of bias binding. How to Join Ends of Binding Strips. For easy sewing use your blind hem foot and run the guide along the edge of the bias tape. How to make ½” single and double folded bias tape. Use your fingers to lift and unfold 1 of the 2 folds in your tape, creating a … For double fold bias tape you want your strips four times the width of your final tape minus 1/8″. Bias tape is sold in packages at the fabric store, but lately I have really enjoyed making my own. You will also learn how to join the ends in the round. Learn different techniques for applying bias tape, including different methods for single and double fold tape- Ashley Hough shows you how. Sew using a narrow seam allowance. We introducing Sewing and Pattern making of How & What we understand & love. One of them is that you can machine or hand baste this part of the tape just over the fold of the tape. With 1/4″ double fold bias tape, first you fold down the loose edge 1/4″ towards the wrong side of the garment. 7. You can also make an elastic casing with a wide bias tape. Stitch in the fold line of the bias tape. Unpin angled bias ends only and unfold the binding so you join bias ends together. Free shipping Double Fold Bias Tape. single fold bias tape. Then remove the item from your sewing machine and clip the threads. Blend of cotton and polyester. 4. Next, open up one fold of the bias tape and press it. Using the second method, stitching on one side, is less noticeable. Keep the narrow side of the tape facing up while applying the tape. Bias tape is perfect for covering the raw edges of fabric and due to its bias cut is ideal for creating a decorative edge on curves. Your email address will not be published. How much width you want, I am taking 1Inch so the end Double fold Bias Tape would be 0.25Inch. Place the first pin about 1″ away from the end of the bias strip. Full Affiliate disclosure. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. In fact, once you understand the stuff, you will LOVE it! To sew a double folded bias tape you have to open the tape first and pin the raw edge of the tape and the fabric with the right sides together. Okay, now grab your 1/2 inch-wide, double-fold bias tape. So keep reading to start making your own bias tape from any fabric of your stash. How do I join bias tape? The blog owner is not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog on other Web sites or media, with or without permission. Single fold bias tape is when the two long raw edges are folded into the centre of the tape. Be sure to follow The Small Circle on Instagram for bias … In fact, it's something that I have used from the very beginning of my sewing adventure...and is not something to be feared. Measure and fold 1/4″ in at the edges on both sides. Look at the bias tape to determine which half of the lengthwise fold is narrower. Packaged bias tape may be purchased in single fold and double fold forms in various widths. With the bias tape still unfolded, sew through the fabric and the bias tape on the bias tape's crease line. Now you got yards of Strips, Question is How to strips into Bias tape?Below is the answer: a. Iron the folds in on both sides. Pin diagonal edges, right sides together, forming a loop of fabric. Jun 22, 2013 - Great tutorial on how to attach double fold bias tape with mitered corner. Cut on chalk mark 2 only. Seperate the Sergered Strips/pieces, and then join them in next step. In the picture below you can see that the bias has been folded over on itself again and pinned in place. Okay. Good for binding blankets etc. Patterns and tutorials and all stuff are for just personal use, avoid commercial reuse. Hence Remaining main width would be 0.50 Inch. Single fold bias tape can be used instead of facing to create a finished edge, especially around a curve. Deborah H. Schreiben is a freelance writer and an editor with more than 15 years experience in the field of journalism. Press to the finished location of the bias tape and top stitch it in place. Jun 22, 2013 - Great tutorial on how to attach double fold bias tape with mitered corner. Shop Double fold Bias Tape 4yd at JOANN fabric and craft store online to stock up on the best supplies for your project. Alternate Method: When you are using purchased double-fold bias tape, you will notice that one edge is not as wide as the other. Take iron in action, do ironing on stitch parts. Turn the bias tape to create a mitered corner. Sew the bias tape in place along the fold. Double fold bias tape can be used in numerous applications, so lets jump right in with how to make your own bias tape and then we’ll talk about some of the ways to use it. We are Collection and Creation company and want to promote SEWING, DESIGNING & PATTERN. They cost under $10 and fold the sides in precisely. Single Fold Bias Tape. Do serger on marked and make strips/pieces, Repeat this step till fabric end. On an armhole place the join at the side seam under the arm. On the other hand, if you want a ¼” single-bias tape cut your strips with ¾” width. 3. Make your bias tape using the traditional method or the continuous method. If applying bias tape to a curved edge, press it to the finished shape with a steam iron before applying. b. The reason to use one over the other is simply by preference. Can I get some tips on how to cut some styles please like jump suit. So for the 1/2″ double fold bias tape I’m making here, you need strips 1 and 7/8″ wide. To see how this is done, check out the tutorial for the One Shoulder Dressy Dress, which explains it in detail with pics.. The PROPER way to sew on Bias Tape. Price: $22.99 FREE Shipping on your first order. Take Measurement Scale, fold 0.25 from both sides. The 1/4 inch double bias tape is basically a single fold bias tape with a fold in the center. Explore. No more problem related to biastape neither you need any tool(binding maker), but How can we make Biastape without tool with ease? Press seam allowance open. Visit our Social Media as well. Explore the site today! In this article, you will learn how easy it is to apply a functional bias facing using single fold bias tape. Yeah Sure, I have already some jumpsuit tutorial tips like: I love to help you. Position and pin bias strips perpendicular to each other with right sides together and raw edges aligned. Double Fold Biastape making truly easy task. Its applications are nearly endless! You can also make an elastic casing with a wide bias tape. 2. Draw a diagonal line on top bias strip from top left to bottom right. Lay the starting end of the binding a half inch or so before the point you want the join to be. How to Sew Double Fold Bias Tape. Place one end of the bias over the garment, raw edges matching and pin. So for the 1/2″ double fold bias tape I’m making here, you need strips 1 and 7/8″ wide. Open the strip back up. Unfold the bias tape so you can see the lines created when the bias tape was folded and pressed. Trim seam allowance to 1/4". Instructions to Double Fold Bind a Quilt. Pin, trim and sew as described in previous steps. Open up folded binding at point 2 and chalk mark position on straight grain of binding and at the same angle of bias end. Pre-made double fold bias binding on ‘After The Rain’ quilt. Both have benefits. Double Fold Bias Tape Bias Binding Tape for Sewing, Seaming, Hemming, Piping, x - Size information: width of bias tape is approx. Because double-fold bias tape is just single-fold bias tape folded lengthwise down its center so that one side is ever so slightly wider than the other side. Required fields are marked *. For double fold bias tape you want your strips four times the width of your final tape minus 1/8″. The first method results in obvious stitching lines on both sides of the tape. Some quilters also prefer bias cut binding for straight edged quilts. You will learn what width you need for a ¼” binding and a ½” too.. Some quilters also prefer bias cut binding for straight edged quilts. Just as with single fold bias tape, you may want to press your double fold bias tape into a slight curve if you’re going to be applying it to a curved raw edge. Sew the two pieces together with a 1/4-inch seam and press the seam open to reduce bulk. This is my original copyrighted stuff and work, if anyone wants to use pictures from this blog, do link back with give photo credit and contact first. However, my old tutorial showing you about bias tape and cutting on the bias, is well, really old. Two join two pieces of bias tape, cut each end at a 45 degree angle. 6. Join for Free Patterns & Sewing Tutorials, Dresscrafts - DISCLAIMER NOTICE 2015-2018. Pin it in place. I am going to explain you step by step process here, So let start with DIY biastape with no bias tape maker. Match the opposite side strips or Match strips diagonally pin them and then do stitch diagonally. If you want to make DOUBLE FOLD Bias Tape…..multiply your desired width by 4. Making your own bias tape at home from fabric is very easy and you don’t really need a bias maker to do so.. Fold one short edge of your fabric into a right triangle, then cut that triangle off: Single fold bias tape has the edges folded once, double fold has the edges folded twice. 1/2 Inch, length is 50 yards, easy to sew by hand or machine to make straight or curved edges; This tape is not completely continuous due to the length and nature of the textile If you are going to be making a lot of bias tape, it may be wise to purchase a bias tape maker. Double Fold Bias Tape for Sewing, Seaming, Binding, Hemming, Piping, Quilting; by Mandala Crafts (1/2 Inch 55 Yards, Metallic Gold) by Mandala Crafts. The first method results in obvious stitching lines on both sides of the tape. Again, you want the tape to lie flat but you still want to see where your fold used to be. Take iron in action, do ironing on stitch parts. a. Sew along the crease with your sewing machine, then fold the binding over so half is on each side of the fabric’s edge and sew along the other edge of the binding. 8. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Almeda University. Single-fold bias tape is bias tape with each raw edge folded in toward the center, wrong sides together, and pressed. Sew all the way to the edge of the fabric when you come to a corner. The middle crease will enclose the raw edges of your quilt as the other half of the binding wraps around to the back. When looking at the unfolded tape, the creases should point downward. This site has co-partner that is:Dresscrafts - fashion Blog Double folded bias tape can measure 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch when finished. The Single-Fold Method. how pretty is this! To attach the binding to the back of your quilt, re-fold the binding to the way it was folded in the package. NOTE: If your quilt or item you are binding has curved edges or corners, you need to cut your binding on the bias, at a 45 degree angle. You can use your bias tape right away or wind it onto a piece of cardboard to stay neat for later. Stitch in the seam created where the bias tape was sewn to the fabric. Step 1. Fold the bias tape over the edge of the fabric. Along with finishing quilts, bias binding is excellent in apparel sewing, bag-making, and for any other seam-finishing. 2. The 1/4 inch double bias tape is basically a single fold bias tape with a fold in the center. The first method results in obvious stitching lines on both sides of the tape. There are two types of bias tape: single fold and double fold. Pin it in place. 50, 100 or 145 yards of 1/2" black double fold bias tape. First, just a wee bit of math to see what size square you need to start with. To sew together two parts of bias tapes you need know some features. 9. how to store Bias tape? Fabric Crafts. So we are going to focus on double fold bias tape … Cut a strip of fabric along the pressed edge - if you want a 1/2" double fold bias tape make the cut 2" (the math is: width of finished tape x 4 = width of cut) Cut as many strips as you need for your project (For example, if you need 1/2 inch wide double fold tape, multiplying 1/2 x 4 is 2. Double Fold Bias Tape – Bias Binding 0.5” Diameter 27 Yards Long Cotton Color Sewing Bias Tape – Bias Tape for Quilting, Sewing, Hemming, Seams and More– Pre-Folded Binding Tape Sewing (Jade Green) 4.6 out of 5 stars 115. Hey guys! The main feature is that fabric should be cut on strips at an angle 45 degrees, as shown. Similarly double fold bias tape is simply folding the single fold bias tape in half again. To join the strips of fabric together, pin and sew your fabric as shown in the image below. Now, fold your strip in half, ironing all the way down. What Is the Selvage Line in Sewing Fabrics? Take the smaller side and match the edge to the edge of the fabric strip as shown below. 6. Fold the 1/2-inch tab under to the other side of the fabric. Double fold bias tape is when the fabric is folded three times to create binding, and all the raw edges are enclosed. Cutting your own bias tape from fabric is easy to do, especially with rotary cutting tools. As the final step, fold your bias tape down over the raw edge of your hem. Continue pressing till you reach the end of the bias strip. Sew the two pieces together with a 1/4-inch seam and press the seam open to reduce bulk. Any bias tape should have one side slightly smaller than the other side. Fold one short edge of your fabric into a right triangle, then cut that triangle off: Join the pieces of bias tape so that you have one continuous piece a few inches longer than the perimeter of the quilt. Take care not to twist binding ends. Use an iron to flatten out the seam. Double fold is a little more durable, because the fabric is doubled and will hold up … Hi Sally Timi, We encourage all of our reader to ask any question, we love to guide you. Summary. On a sleeve opening for example. Start with 1/2 yard of fabric. I offset the diagonal edge down ever so slightly. How To Sew Double Fold Bias Tape On A Quilt You can sew a double bias fold on your quilt by cutting a few strips, lay them out on your quilt, and guesstimate the number of strips you will need. Use your fingers to lift and unfold 1 of the 2 folds in your tape, creating a raw edge. All you’ll need to do is iron the creases. Use in home decorating, garments, and quilting projects. I hope that you like DIY Easy Bias tape with no tool required, this is my main focus that sewing should be less expensive at the dummies levels atleast until you start earning by selling your clothes range or make a pattern and especially stop paying high prices for dresses by making those clothes at home. To make ¼” double folded tape, cut your strips with a 1″ width. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,512 ratings #1 Best Seller in Sewing Bias Tape. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Using the second method, stitching on one side, is less noticeable. Welcome to Dresscrafts Creation Family. NOTE: If your quilt or item you are binding has curved edges or corners, you need to cut your binding on the bias, at a 45 degree angle. (Another way to think of it is to fold a Single-fold bias tape in half along its center-line.) Fold the bias tape over the edge of the fabric. Explore the site today! Like this… Can you see that the bottom half is just slightly wider than the top half?! Next we need to make the second fold. A little Wash Away Wonder Tape or washable glue stick will be a great help in holding your double fold bias tape in place while you stitch. There are two types of bias tape: single fold and double fold. 5 Fold the binding over so that half is on each side of the fabric’s edge. Fold Square Fabric in Diagonal direction and make it rectangle, way mention below. It's so lean… I only recommend products I personally use and love, or think my readers will find useful. You can buy this pre-made or make it yourself. This is double fold. Thereby reducing the original strip down to a quarter. Double-fold bias tape is single-fold bias tape which has been folded in half and pressed, with the single folds to the inside. Second , fold again 1/4″ meeting your first fold to your stitch line. The solution is below, I have recently gone through my youtube channel comment where my viewer asked for How to make bias tape? Double fold is a little more durable, because the fabric is doubled and will hold up better. To sew together two parts of bias tapes you need know some features. Open one edge of the bias tape to align the fold with the seam line. Mark with Chalk with the help of ruler. The video tutorial is about 8 minutes because it includes everything about sewing on double-fold bias tape from start to finish. There are two commonly accepted methods of applying double fold bias tape to encase a seam or the raw edges of an item. Flip the section over so you can see the 2 folds meeting at the center of your tape. Now you can do the first step in 2 ways. Keep visiting us and do Comment, let us know what you want to learn more in Customized sewing world. Press the seam open. So, cut a 2 inch wide strip in the length that you need.) 4. I showed you how to sew single fold bias tape before and if you’ve read that tutorial you might have noticed that I mentioned that double fold bias tape is used slightly different than single fold.. Place fabric piece wrong side up Place double fold bias right side down. This method of sewing in the seam is often called “stitch in the ditch.”. 5. Flip the section over so you can see the 2 folds meeting at the center of your tape. For example, to make one inch double fold bias tape, you’ll need to cut out four-inch strips OR if you fold your one-inch single fold bias tape in half, you’ll have 1/2 inch double-fold bias tape. Reinsert the item in your sewing machine and begin sewing from the corner. You will find that store bought bias tape is quite easy to work with as the folds are already in place for you. This is because it can be folded over the edge of a sewing project and sewn in place so the tape can be seen from both sides. To cut the fabric into strips, I … Knowing how to use rotary rulers and cutters is the first step to cutting perfect bias strips. If you have trouble catching both sides of the bias tape after it has been folded over the fabric edge, use a narrow zigzag stitch rather than a straight stitch. Cut the strips along marked lines. Lay your section of double fold bias tape on a flat surface, like an ironing board or sewing table. Cut the number of required strips of binding, according to your pattern or calculations. You will have one center crease and creases along the narrow side of the tape and the wider side of the tape. Join the pieces of bias tape so that you have one continuous piece a few inches longer than the perimeter of the quilt. Sew on marked line to make a diagonal seam. Honestly, I wasn’t planning to make a tutorial on it but after this comment, I realize my viewer want more beginner things, So I have started Dummies Series which contain the first video called “DIY easy Biastape”(Channel Link listed in sidebar →). See picture below …. Look closely and you’ll see one side is ever so slightly bigger than the other, making it overlap by a tiny amount. When using double-fold bias tape here are the steps: Press your seam open, then unfold the bias tape and line up the edge with the wrong side of the seam; Pin the double-fold bias tape into place; Sew the bias tape directly to the seam using the first folded line; Fold over the bias tape, making sure the center crease is enfolding the seam edge On an armhole place the join at the side seam under the arm. Pin the edges of the bias tape to the raw edges of the fabric, right sides together. To sew a double-fold bias binding so half of it appears on each side of the fabric’s edge, pin the binding to the edge of your fabric and trim off the excess fabric with scissors. With 1/4″ double fold bias tape, first you fold down the loose edge 1/4″ towards the wrong side of the garment. Seperate the Sergered Strips/pieces, and then join them in next step. Double fold bias tape is a strip of fabric that has been cut on the bias and pressed to crease an off-center fold, as well as folded-under edges. Double fold bias tape is a strip of fabric that has been cut on the bias and pressed to crease an off-center fold, as well as folded-under edges. Press this fold with the iron and then unfold. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a continuous bias tape by folding squares of fabric to make long strips. Slip the bias tape over the edge of the fabric to be encased. It can be used to finish seams or add a decorative touch to a garment, or both. In today’s session we’ll get to learn how to sew double fold bias tape! Does biastape making become a problem for you while you sewing? Jun 22, 2013 - Great tutorial on how to attach double fold bias tape with mitered corner. Now, fold the bias tape back up over the seam and flip it over to encase the unfinished edge. Bias Tape 10yds 1/2" Wide Double-fold Bias Tape Black, White & Assorted Colors. Jun 22, 2013 - Great tutorial on how to attach double fold bias tape with mitered corner. Leaving a 1/2-inch tab of bias tape extending over the top of the fabric, pin the unfolded bias tape to the next portion of fabric as in Step 2. (I’ve made my own bias tape but find that the tight weave and the crisply pressed folds of the packaged tape make it easier to handle.) If you’re new to bias tape or would like to make your own, check out our very detailed tutorial HERE. So that the final fabric strip width is half the original width. 5. Start with 1/2 yard of fabric. So for example, if your fabric strip is 2in then it will be become 1in single fold bias tape. Stick pins through the bias tape and the fabric every few inches to hold the tape in place. DIY And Crafts. If your single piece of bias tape isn’t long enough it’s easy to join a second strip to lengthen the bias tape. May contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission, at no additional cost to you mitered. 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